Posted March 4th, 2015 at 5:34 pmNo Comments Yet
Aside from the physical aspects that you see when you look at your reflection, take an even deeper look into your soul through your own eyes. Is the person you are staring at happy or unhappy? Is he or she healthy or unhealthy? Are you full of life and vibrance or has all of your energy been zapped out of you leaving you feeling “lifeless”?
How you see yourself and how you feel reflects in everything you do. It affects how you face the world and how the world receives you. Most of all, it will affect the very person who has to live with you the most: your self.
External circumstances of any kind that give you pleasure or happiness can never compare to the happiness that comes from being comfortable and happy with living in your own skin. As the saying goes, “Everywhere you go, there you are”.
If you are unhappy with yourself and don’t like what you see and how you feel, it’s time you evaluate how you view yourself. Are you being realistic or are you being too harsh? Be loving and compassionate. Evaluate how you think and how you live. Improve what you can and accept yourself for the things that you cannot change.
As for how your body looks, keep your body healthy and embrace your own natural beauty. Forget trying to fit into stereotypes. Embrace what makes you unique and different. Your uniqueness is your very own beauty. There is no one else out there like you. Real beauty shines from within.
Take charge of your health by giving it the right nourishment, exercise, rest, and sleep. Surround yourself with people you love. Take time out also to rest and recharge. Have a positive attitude. Be kind to yourself. Your soul is just as gentle as every other soul out there. Take care of you. You are the one who must live with you for the rest of your life. Do so with love.